Hints are user contributed and may or may not work for you. Whenever possible the hints have been tested. Some hints may work for some people and not others due to differences in game revisions or differences in hardware used to play the game. No guarantee is made for the usability of any hint.
Displaying hints for Gamecube Harvest Moon Magical Melody
Easy way down to level 100 on both caves
Start from level 2. If stairs aren't there on level 1 keep going in and out until they show. I think you need the hammer for stairs to show. When on level 2 or any other levels look for an X on the ground and stand on it until it opens. If your character has ? over his/her head you'll go up 1 or more levels. If it's a ! over his/her head you'll go down 2 or more levels. Push and hold Z button to see how many you went up or down. Must be held before floor opens up. Submitted by Jack_Ta_Game_Ripper
Save money on buying a chicken
If you buy the chicken egg (200) instead of buying the full grown chicken (1500) you'll save at least 1300. That's if you don't mind waiting about two weeks for it to go from egg to full chicken. Must have chicken coop first. Submitted by Jack_Ta_Game_Ripper