Cloning |
| Save the game then go to a pc. Deposit a pokemon, then change boxes. When the game starts to save, shut off the power (Wait for the words to appear). If you did it right one will be with you and one on the pc. Submitted by Monstergamer |
Duplication - Also Using Items |
| First go to the PC before you turn it on 'SAVE' the Game and go into Bills PC deposit As many Pokémon as you want(They can Hold an Item such as MasterBall and you'll have another master ball on the Clone) (you have to have atleast 1 Pokémon in your Party) then click Change Box when you see it saying 'Saving....Dont Turn off the' THEN SHUT IT OFF. Turn your game back on and check your Party to see if the Pokémon You Deposited are there if they are you Probably Did it Right then go to Bills PC and Click Withdraw and see if the Pokemon are there (Dont Deposit too many though to fill your Box). Submitted by FTR_Halo666 |
easy ditto catching |
| Put a magicarp in the first slot. Allow ditto to transform into Magicarp then swich it with a Pokemon that knows false swipe to cut the hp down to 1 and then capture it. Submitted by masterball2001 |
Erase Your whole Game |
| To erase your game or somone elses on the start screen push Up+Select+B and a screen will come up and ask erase all data. If you want to hit yes if you don't hit no. Submitted by Track Star |
How to get all 3 starting Pokémon fairly |
| 1.Start a new game. 2.Before you choose a Pokémon, save the game. 3.After the game is saved, choose Chikorita. 4.Do all the needed stuff, everything you need to do to get the Pokéballs from Prof. Elm WITHOUT SAVING. 5.Catch ONE Pokémon. 6.Deposit Chikorita into Bill's PC. 7.Begin to change boxes, and when it says "SAVING...DO NOT TURN OFF THE POWER," shut the GameBoy off between OFF and THE. 8.When you turn it back on, you'll be back in Prof. Elm's Lab. 9.Now choose Totodile. Get the Pokéballs, catch ONE Pokémon, and deposit the Totodile into Bill's PC. You should also see Chikorita in there. Don't take him out. 10.Repeat Step 7. 11.When you're back in Prof. Elm's Lab, choose Cyndaquil, and withdraw Totodile and Chikorita when you get the chance. IT REALLY DOES WORK!
If you don't get it right the first time, keep trying. It WILL work. Trust me, I've done it.
P.S. Your Pokédex will saw you haven't caught Totodile or Chikorita, so when you get a Ditto, breed them and you'll earn 'em in the Pokédex.Submitted by LeftBehindfreak |
Pokemon and item Duplication |
| 1:Equip the chosen item to the chosen Pokemon. 2:Log on to Bill's PC and switch to any other box let it save your game. 3:Now deposit the chosen Pokemon with the item equiped. 4:Switch the box but Right after it says "Saving...don't turn off the power" (let the whole thing come up), turn off the game. 5:When you turn it back on, you will have the Duplicated Pokémon and Item in your lineup, and the other one in the box.Submitted by D_Boy |
Game Genie codes |
| 010000D1 |  | One hit kills your opponent! Submitted by austin316bs |
Game Shark codes |
| 0100BAD7 |  | Able To Get All 3 Starter Pokemon From Prof Elm Submitted by austin316bs |
| 91FF0BD8 91FF0CD8 91FF0DD8 91FF0ED8 91FF0FD8 91FF10D8 91FF11D8 |  | all decorations in your room PUT THE CODE IN AND DECORATE YOUR ROOMSubmitted by superstrong_golden_charizard |
| 010182d6 |  | Always on Bike Submitted by Satoshi |
| 01??D8DF |  | Catch Any Pokémon From The Wild (More Help From Nintendo Player's Guide) (01-FB) Submitted by Davy |
| 01xxedd0 Replace xx with the following letters and numbers! Catch Any Pokemon Replace xx with: 01: Bulbasaur 02: Ivysaur 03: Venusaur 04: Charmander 05: Charmeleon 06: Charizard 07: Squirtle 08: Wartortle 09: Blastoise 0A: Caterpie 0B: Metapod 0C: Butterfree 0D: Weedle 0E: Kakuna 0F: Beedrill 10: Pidgey 11: Pidgeotto 12: Pidgeot 13: Rattata 14: Raticate 15: Spearow 16: Fearow 17: Ekans 18: Arbok 19: Pikachu 1A: Raichu 1B: Sandshrew 1C: Sandslash 1D: Nidoran Female 1E: Nidorina 1F: Nidoqueen 20: Nidoran Male 21: Nidorino 22: nidoking 23: Clefairy 24: Clefable 25: Vulpix 26: Ninetails 27: Jigglypuff 28: Wigglytuff 29: Zubat 2A: Golbat 2B: Oddish 2C: Gloom 2D: Vileplume 2E: Paras 2F: Parasect 30: Venonat 31: Venomoth 32: Diglett 33: Dugtrio 34: Meowth 35: Persian 36: Psyduck 37: Golduck 38: Mankey 39: Primeape 3a: Growlithe 3b: Arcanine 3c: Poliwag 3d: Poliwhirl 3e: Poliwrath 3f: Abra 40: Kadabra 41: Alakazam 42: Machop 43: Machoke 44: Machamp 45: Bellsprout 46: Weepinbell 47: Victreebell 48: Tentacool 49: Tentacruel 4A: Geodude 4B: Graveler 4C: Golem 4D: Ponyta 4E: Rapidash 4F: Slowpoke 50: Slowbro 51: Magnemite 52: Magneton 53: Farfetch'd 54: Doduo 55: Dodrio 56: Seel 57: Dewgong 58: Grimer 59: Muk 5A: Shellder 5B: Cloyster 5C: Gastly 5D: Haunter 5E: Gengar 5F: Onix 60: Drowzee 61: Hypno 62: Krabby 63: Kingler 64: Voltorb 65: Electrode 66: Exeggcute 67: Exeggcutor 68: Cubone 69: Marowak 6A: Hitmonlee 6B: Hitmonchan 6C: Lickitung 6D: Koffing 6E: Weezing 6F: Rhyhorn 70: Rhydon 71: Chansey 72: Tangela 73: Kangaskhan 74: Horsea 75: Seadra 76: Goldeen 77: Seaking 78: Staryu 79: Starmie 7A: Mr. Mime 7B: Scyther 7C: Jynx 7D: Electabuzz 7E: Magmar 7F: Pinsir 80: Tauros 81: Magikarp 82: Gyarados 83: Lapras 84: Ditto 85: Eevee 86: Vaporeon 87: Jolteon 88: Flareon 89: Porygon 8A: Omanyte 8B: Omastar 8C: Kabuto 8D: Kabutops 8E: Aerodactyl 8F: Snorlax 90: Articuno 91: Zapdos 92: Moltres 93: Dratini 94: Dragonair 95: Dragonite 96: Mewtwo 97: Mew 98: Chikorita 99: Beifru 9A: Meganiumi 9B: Hinorashi 9C: Magnumarashi 9D: Bakufun 9E: Waninoko 9F: Arigeitsu A0: Odairu A1: Otachi A2: Ootachi A3: Hoho A4: Yorunozuku A5: Redeiba A6: Redeian A7: Itomaru A8: Araidosu A9: Kuroba Aa: Choncchi Ab: Rantan Ac: Pichu Ad: Pi Ae: Pupurin Af: Togepi B0: Togechikku B1: Neitei B2: Neiteio B3: Meripu B4: Mokoko B5: Denryuu B6: Kirehana B7: Marill B8: Mariruri B9: Usokki BA: Myorotono BB: Hanekko BC: Popokko BD: Watakko BE: Eipamu BF: Himanattsu C0: Kimawari C1: Yanyanma C2: Upa C3: Nuo C4: Eifi C5: Burakki C6: Yamikarasu C7: Slowking C8: Muuma C9: Annon (can show up in any form) CA: Sonansu CB: Kinriki CC: Kunugidama CD: Fuoretosu CE: Nokocchi CF: Guraiga D0: Haganeru D1: Snubble D2: Guranburu D3: Harisen D4: Hassamu D5: Tsubotsubo D6: Herakuroso D7: Nyura D8: Himeguma D9: Ringuma DA: Magumaggu DB: Magumarakarugo DC: Urimu DD: Inomu DE: Sanigo DF: Teppouo E0: Okutan E1: Dribado E2: Maintain E3: Eamudo E4: Derubiru E5: Heruga E6: Kingudoru E7: Gomazou E8: Donphan E9: Porygon2 EA: Odushishi EB: Doburu EC: Baruki ED: Kapoera EE: Muchura EF: Elekid F0: Bubii F1: Mirutanku F2: Hapinasu F3: Raiku F4: Entei F5: Suikun F6: Yogirasu F7: Sanagirasu F8: Bangirasu F9: Lugia FA: Houou FB: Serebii
01xxedd0 |  | Catch Any Pokemon, Anywhere, any time, for Game-Shark! This is the real deal, all those other codes don't work but this one does! The pokemon names are in japaneese but they'are in number order, so figure it out, I know I did!!Submitted by APA |
| 010719d1 |  | Catch Champion/Different Color/Sparkly Pokemon
Catch A diffrent color pokemon like Red Gyrados!Submitted by APA |
| 01fffcdo |  | Catch pokemon level 255!!!! Submitted by APA |
| first attack: 01??F2D9 second attack: 01??F3D9 third attack: 01??F4D9 fourth attack: 01??F5D9 07-fire punch 08-ice punch 09-thunder punch 0F-cut 13-fly 34-ember 35-flamethrower 37-watergun 38-hydro pump 39-surf 3A-surf 3B-blizzard 3C-psybeam 3D-bubble beam 3E-arora beam 3F-hyper beam 46-strength 4B-razorleaf 4C-solar beam 53-fire spin 54-thundershock 55-thunderbolt 57-thunder 5A-fissure |  | edits first pokemon's moves. Fill in the ??'s with different digits to get different attacks (I have posted some already). Submitted by Lord of DaRkNeSs 101 |
| 0110F8D9 012CF9D9 0114FAD9 |  | Experience level 100 Submitted by DOOM83 |
| 01FFFCD0 |  | Fight or catch level 225 pokemon!! Submitted by Jony_Pro |
| 0199xxD5 (replace xx with one of the following) TMs TM#1-71; #2-72; #3-73; #4-74; #5-75; #6-76; #7-77; #8-78; #9-79; #10-7A; #11-7B; #12-7C; #13-7D; #14-7E; #15-7F; #16-80; #17-81; #18-82; #19-83; #20-84; #21-85; #22-86; #23-87; #24-88; #25-89; #26-8A; #27-8B; #28-8C; #29-8D; #30-8E; #31-8F; #32-90; #33-91; #34-92; #35-93; #36-94; #37-95; #38-96; #39-97; #40-98; #41-99; #42-9A; #43-9B; #44-9C; #45-9D; #46-9E; #47-9F; #48-A0; #49-A1; #50-A2; HM's 1-7
HM#1 CUT- A3; #2 FLY- A4; #3 SURF- A5; #4 STRENGTH- A6;
#5 FLASH- A7; #6 TIDE- A8; #7 FLOAT- A9; |  | Get any HM or TM in the Game Submitted by m0ntypyth0n |
| First: put in: 0163F1D5 to get 99 pokeballs. Then put them in slot 1. Second: erase previous code and put in: 0101F0D5. This turns all 99 pokeballs into MASTER BALLS with a 100% catch rate! |  | Get Infinite Master Balls! Submitted by m0ntypyth0n |
| 1ff7cd5 |  | Have all Badges Submitted by NEWHERO415 |
| 002814cb |  | Infinite Attacks Slot 1 Submitted by METDeath |
| 0163F1D5 |  | Infinite masterball slot 1 Submitted by sfaiz_ |
| 010F66D5 014267D5 013F68D5 |  | Infinite Money Submitted by XcoNvicT |
| 1st enter 0120abd5 Then enter 0163acd5 |  | Infinite Rare Candies in slot 1 Submitted by pokemaster857 |
| 01000bd2 |  | No Random Battles Submitted by APA |
| 010000d1 |  | One Hit K.O., Always!!! Submitted by APA |
| 0101c8d5 |  | Put this code in and the 8th item in your pack will become masterballs. Submitted by Violent_Twiggz |
| 91XXDFD0 |  | Replace XX with two numbers to catch any Pokémon in Gold & Silver from 1 to 251. Ex: Replace XX with FB to get Serebi or with F9 to get Lugia or with FA to get Houhou Submitted by Majin GeoDooD |
| 01ff35da 01ff37da 01ff39da 01ff3bda 01ff3dda 01ff3fda 01ff40da |  | This code will give your pokemon max stats.Put the pokemon you want to have max stat's in the first spot of your team.Save,Then shut off the game.Put the code in on the gameshark.Deposit the pokemon into a box on your Pc,then with draw your pokemon.Now it will have max stats Submitted by Dark_Dragonite |
| 0105abd 0163acd |  | Ulimited masterballs in first slot Submitted by aSn GaMEr |
| 1. Don´t have ANY balls in the ball pocket. 2. Type 0101fdd5 (The ball modifier) 3. Now you have unlimited master balls. There will be some ?s there, but don´t care about them. AND: The game says 0 Master balls, but it IS unlimited. |  | Unlimited Master balls Submitted by Paal |
| 0105abd5 0163acd5 |  | Unlimited masterballs in slot 1 Submitted by aSn GaMEr |
| 0120B8D5 0163B9D5 |  | Unlimited Rare Candies in the first slot Submitted by MegaKid |
| TM1 is now 7E HM1 is now B0 and HM7 is now B6 |  | Updated TM and HM codes for American Gold and Silver Submitted by m0ntypyth0n |
| 0100bad7 |  | you cant get all the three pokemons from prof.elm with this code!!!Submitted by pokemon gold |