Invincibility |
| SAUGKTSZ AIUGVTEYSubmitted by ventureman |
Invincible (After Getting Hit Once) |
| GGUKOVLK Submitted by ventureman |
| 009D:30 |  | Infinite Air Shooter Submitted by supersonicjc |
| 009F:30 |  | Infinite Atomic Fire Submitted by supersonicjc |
| 009C:30 |  | Infinite Bubble Lead Submitted by supersonicjc |
| 00A3:30 |  | Infinite Crash/Clash Bomber Submitted by supersonicjc |
| 00A7:04 |  | Infinite E Tanks Submitted by supersonicjc |
| 06C0:30 |  | Infinite Energy Submitted by supersonicjc |
| 00A4:30 |  | Infinite Item 1 Submitted by supersonicjc |
| 00A5:30 |  | Infinite Item 2 Submitted by supersonicjc |
| 00A6:30 |  | Infinite Item 3 Submitted by supersonicjc |
| 00A0:30 |  | Infinite Leaf Shield Submitted by supersonicjc |
| 00A8:04 |  | Infinite Lives Submitted by supersonicjc |
| 00A1:30 |  | Infinite Metal Blade Submitted by supersonicjc |
| 009E:30 |  | Infinite Quick Boomerang Submitted by supersonicjc |
| 00A2:30 |  | Infinite Time Stopper Submitted by supersonicjc |
| 009255:01 |  | Start with all weapons, they're invisible till you collect a weapon capsule for it Submitted by gedowski |
| 004B:02 |  | Untouchable Submitted by supersonicjc |
Game Genie codes |
| NYKAGUGO |  | 255 max weapon energy (see only 28) NOTE: This code is listed as part of an "infinite weapon energy" code. It is NOT such a code. It only makes your weapons go farther.Submitted by Zazer |
| YAEIILPO |  | Black armor when using Plasma gun (same as for purple arms; forgot to mention it) Submitted by Zazer |
| YAOUOVAU |  | Black face (robot stages) Submitted by Zazer |
| YAOUONAU |  | Black face (Wily stages) Submitted by Zazer |
| LZVSSZYZ |  | Gives burst-fire from normal weapon |
| AESSVZZA |  | Infinite Air Shooter Submitted by Zazer |
| POSIVSON |  | Infinite Atomic Fire (even if you charge!) Submitted by Zazer |
| AEESOLGA |  | Infinite Crash Bomber Submitted by Zazer |
| SXXTPSSE |  | Infinite energy-- May cause you to get "stuck" near the end of the game when your weapon energy runs out. If this happens, just reset and start again. |
| PTVTZPVK |  | Infinite Flash Stopper (not a great idea; do not walk into a boss fight with the FS running or it's game over for you!) Submitted by Zazer |
| AANISGZA |  | Infinite Item 1 Submitted by Zazer |
| PTKTALVK |  | Infinite Item 3 Submitted by Zazer |
| AAVIXYLA |  | Infinite Leaf Shield Submitted by Zazer |
| SXUGTPVG |  | Infinite lives-- Note: all codes make the music sound strange. It's harmless |
| PVKSOLVK |  | Infinite Metal Gear Submitted by Zazer |
| PTVSNLVK |  | Infinite Quick Boomerang Submitted by Zazer |
| GZKEYLAL |  | Maximum weapon energy on pick-up |
| APNAOZGA |  | Mega power jumps |
| PGEAKOPX |  | Moonwalking |
| TANAOZGA |  | Power jumps |
| LPEIGUGZ |  | Purple arms Submitted by Zazer |
| IPOUETAZ |  | Red eyes/text (robot stages) Submitted by Zazer |
| IPOUEYAZ |  | Red eyes/text (Wily stages) Submitted by Zazer |
| PANALALA |  | Start with 1 life |
| NNKAIEGO |  | Start with 255 life (see only 28 at a time) Submitted by Zazer |
| NNEELEGO |  | Start with 255 weapon energy Submitted by Zazer |
| TANALALA |  | Start with 6 lives |
| PANALALE |  | Start with 9 lives |
| TEKAIEGO |  | Start with half energy |
| AANAOZGE |  | Super power jumps |