Displaying hints for NES Dragon Warrior II
I want The Water Crest early so what can I do? | | Once you have the Princess Of Moonbrooke (TM) you need to get her to about level 23 so she can learn open. Open is a spell that unlocks any doors without using any keys. Once The Princess Of Moonbrooke has learn open, go back to the town where you got The Princess Of Moonbrooke and see the locked door go right next to it and use the spell open and go up the stairs. Then the chamber you see two monster look-a-like guys in there, go up to the Jail Cell and use open then talk to one of them and you will go into to battle with Ozwargs (Ozwargs is what I believe they are called) and once you defeat them search the top right corner I believe the Water Crest is there.
You can get her and The Prince Of Cannock (TM) and the Prince Of Midenhall (TM) levels easy by putting in the Game Genie code PUZZLE. PUZZLE is a game genie code that makes you get massive experience points. Submitted by Green
 | I want unlimited tries at the lottery to win something or for practice but, is it possible? | | Yes actually it is possible. But how? You might ask. Well here is how it is done.
Get a lottery ticket and save, if you try to win something but you win something besides the thing or thing you want to win or you get two match ups and one different space or don't (do not) get any matches then hit reset.
The only time I recommend you reset however is when you don't get any matches, read below for more information on what I mean.
You get a lottery ticket and save, then go a lottery guy and if for example you are trying to get a golden card by landing on all three sun look-a-like spaces, but it lands on all three hearts or it lands on two hearts and a moon or it lands on a heart, a moon and water drop look-a-like space then hit reset and try again. But let's say for example you are trying to get a golden card but you land on two hearts and a moon then try again for if you got two matched up spaces and one different space for example: two suns and a moon, the lottery man will give you a lottery ticket so you can try again.
The only time I recommend you hit the reset button is if you don't get any matches at all for example: you land on a moon, a sun and a heart space. Submitted by Green Tested by DinoDrill