Displaying hints for Playstation Portable Mega Man Maverick Hunter X
Hadoken Fireball Capsule | | To find the hidden capsule to gain the Hadoken Fireball for X you have to get all Heart Tanks, Sub Tanks, Armor Parts (the arm part can be either the one from Dr. Light or the one you get from Zero in Sigma Palace 3) and beat every boss to gain there weapon. Go to Armored Armadillo's Stage and get through the whole stage without taking any damage then at the end dash off the flying platform and land above the entrance to the boss and the capsule will be there. Submitted by ventureman
 | How to gain Zero's Buster | | If you pass over the X-Buster upgrade found in a Dr. Light capsule during the game, you will be rewarded later in the Sigma Fortress by gaining access to Zero's Buster, which is more powerful than the normal X-Buster upgrade. To do this, simply do not enter the Dr. Light capsule containing the X-Buster upgrade, and play the game all the way to the third Sigma level. Upon facing Vile and beating him in a battle, you will speak to Zero and he will give you his buster. This buster shoots a different third level charge shot than Dr. Light's upgrade, which is larger and more powerful. Submitted by ventureman
 | Infinite Weapon Slots (Vile) | | After you beat the game with Vile and saved a Clear Data for it load up the clear data and when you select your weapons your slots will be infinite. Submitted by ventureman