Equipment hack |
| 7E2***63
Duran C39 Bronze Sword C3A Iorn Sword C3B Gladius C3C Broadsword C3D Saber C3E Steel Sword C3F Bastard Sword C40 Silver Blade C41 Estoc C42 Falchion C43 Flamberge C44 Colichemarde C45 Shamshir C46 Palestorm C47 Mythril Sword C48 Katzbalger C49 Balmunk C4A Valar Sword C4B Kusanagi Blade C4C Tyrving C4D Defender C4E Muramasa Blade C4F Krau-Solas C50 Excalibur C51 Lavatein C52 Dragonbane C53 Brave Blade C54 Sigmund C55 Ragnarok C56 Deathbringer
Kevin C63 Leather Glove C64 Iorn Knuckle C65 Neddle Glove C66 Molebear Claw C67 Chain Glove C68 Bagh Nakn C69 Fiend's Claw C6A Silverthorn C6B Moogle Claw C6C Keen Knuckle C6D Power Glove C6E Kaiser Knuckle C6F Acid Claw C70 Cyclone Claw C71 Mythril Knuckle C72 Bone Knuckle C73 Kerberos Claw C74 Diamond Knuckle C75 Ghost Hand C76 Rock Claw C77 Gleam Glove C78 Jug Puncher C79 Vampire Claw C7A Aura Glove C7B Rotten Knuckle C7C Dragon Claw C7D Spiral Claw C7E Holy Glove C7F Skull Disect C80 Gigas Glove
Hawkeye C8D Flint Knife C8E Dagger C8F Baselard C90 Roundel Dagger C91 Sharkteeth C92 Steel Dagger C93 Misericorde C94 Katar C95 Main Gauche C96 Garuda C97 Crystal Dagger C98 Elf Dagger C99 Ashura C9A Bluegale C9B Mythril Knife C9C Yasha C9D Dancing Dagger C9E Field Dagger C9F Bishamon CA0 Merkiel Dagger CA1 Sylvan Knife CA2 Toishaku CA3 Sheol Dirk CA4 Crescent Knife CA5 Acala CA6 Crimson Glare CA7 Orihalcon CA8 Manslaughter CA9 Kongo Rakan CAA Deathstroke
Angela CB7 Wooden Cane CB8 Staff CB9 Witch Staff CBA Oak Cane CBB Pewter Rod CBC Ruby Cane CBD Crystal Rod CBE Soul Rod CBF Varshu Staff CC0 Cunning Staff CC1 Ash Cane CC2 Will Staff CC3 Tot's Cane CC4 Rajin's Cane CC5 Mythril Rod CC6 Skull Rod CC7 Memyl Rod CC8 Druid Cane CC9 Revelation Cane CCA Nebula Staff CCB WorldTree Branch CCC Ancient Rod CCD Mizunara Cane CCE Eternal Rod CCF Celnunnos Cane CD0 Ceryeceon CD1 Ganvantien CD2 Spirit Cane CD3 Rune Staff CD4 Dragon Rod
Charlotte CE1 Hollow Rod CE2 Wood Flail CE3 Ball and Chain CE4 Light Flail CE5 Warhammer CE6 Steel Maul CE7 Duck Iornball CE8 Silver Flail CE9 Heavy Flail CEA Hammer Flail CEB Morning Star CEC Heiro Flail CED Puppet Flail CEE Blockbuster CEF Mythril Mual CF0 Troll Maul CF1 Cuneal Maul CF2 Holy Flail CF3 Thibula Flail CF4 Gravity Maul CF5 Ultima Maul CF6 Bloodsucker CF7 Meteo Flail CF8 Mjolnir CF9 Satan Flail CFA Vertina Maul CFB Judgmentes CFC Gigas Flail CFD Maul of the Dead CFE Juggernaut
Reisz D0B Bronze Lance D0C Long Spear D0D Flamea D0E Corsesca D0F Partisan D10 Steel Lance D11 Glaive D12 Silver Lance D13 Wing Spear D14 Mystic Spear D15 Plume Lance D16 Dark Piercer D17 Torrento Spear D18 Golden Spear D19 Mythril Spear D1A Brainwrecker D1B Griffin Lance D1C Staghorn D1D Wolf's Fang D1E Maidenleaf D1F Valkyrie Spear D20 Mideel Spear D21 Brunak D22 Gungnir D23 Paintooth D24 Blaze Piercer D25 True Spear D26 Stargazer D27 Dragon Lance D28 (Giants Spear)
Duran D39 Leather Visor D3A Headgear D3B Studded Helm D3C Visored Helm D3D Horned Helm D3E Silver Sallet D3F Beyrl Armet D40 Dragon Helm D41 Hero's Crown D42 Protection Helm D43 Rising Moon Helm D44 Skull Head
Kevin D45 Bandanna D46 Warrior Band D47 Head Band D48 Chakra Band D49 Werewolf's Mane D4A Majuu Mask D4B Genjuu Mask D4C Dragon's Mane D4D Ivory Band D4E Darkshine Band D4F Sapphire Band D50 Ruby Band
Hawkeye D51 Leather Hat D52 Garravilla D53 Feather Hat D54 Faerie Hat D55 Grizzly Garea D56 Black Hood D57 Noctogoggles D58 Fool's Crown D59 Wind Spirit Hat D5A SilverWolf Garea D5B Stealth Hood D5C Bloody Mask
Angela D5D Circlet D5E Witch Hood D5F Emerald Tiara D60 Panther Hood D61 Silver Circlet D62 White Snow Veil D63 Mist Veil D64 Moonstone Tiara D65 Myein Crown D66 Eremos Crown D67 Rune Veil D68 Ancient Tiara
Charlotte D69 Cat-ear Hood D6A Rabite Hat D6B Mog Cap D6C Silk Ribbon D6D Porobin Hood D6E Holy Spirit Hood D6F Sunstone Hat D70 Spiritus Ribbon D71 Bishop's Ribbon D72 Sage's Ribbon D73 Undead Ribbon D74 Bitium Ribbon
Reisz D75 Winged Ribbon D76 Leather Helmet D77 Barbute D78 Viking Helm D79 Horncrest D7A Unicorn Helm D7B Aurora Helmet D7C Pegasus Helmet D7D Vanir Helmet D7E Stardust Helmet D7F Rising Dragon D80 Wolf Helmet
Duran D81 Leather Gauntlet D82 Steel Gauntlet D83 Gauntlet D84 Strength Armband D85 Knight's Crest D86 Fencer's Armband D87 Dragon Ring D88 War King's Crest D89 Master's Armband
Kevin D8A Leather Neckband D8B Beastman Collar D8C Power Wrist D8D Red Moon Horn D8E Cardinal Eye D8F Mad Beast's Fang D90 Dragon's Bone D91 Tohsei Armband D92 Demon Neckband
Hawkeye D93 Utsusemi Earring D94 Thief's Armband D95 Cobra Earrings D96 Ancient Talisman D97 Tree Spirit Ring D98 Mistscreen Charm D99 Wishbone D9A Lucky Card D9B Stealth Guard
Angela D9C Jewel Ring D9D Crystal Ring D9E Mist Pendant D9F Protect Ring DA0 Snow Crystal DA1 Fireblaze DA2 Sage Stone DA3 Blizzard Hairpin DA4 Magma Hairpin
Charlotte DA5 Marble Ring DA6 Bunny Egg DA7 Moon Ring DA8 Protect Earrings DA9 Whitelight Ring DAA Blackshade Ring DAB Magatama DAC Moon Flower DAD Black Onyx
Reisz DAE Vambrace DAF Steel Bracelet DB0 WindGod Bracelet DB1 Earth Bracelet DB2 Gyralhorne DB3 Rune Earrings DB4 Yadorigi Armlet DB5 Draupnir DB6 Giant's Ring
Duran DB7 Quilted Leather DB8 Hard Leather DB9 Bezant Mail DBA Lamellar Armor DBB Hauberk DBC Half Plate DBD Plate Mail DBE Lunlua Mail DBF Reflex DC0 Pegasus Armor DC1 Leonis Plate DC2 Knight Armor DC3 Swordsman Armor DC4 Gold Armor DC5 Platinum Armor DC6 Dragon's Mail DC7 Hero's Armor DC8 Protect Armor DC9 Master's Armor DCA Skeleton Mail
Kevin DCB Cotton Uniform DCC Leather Belt DCD Fur Vest DCE Warrior Uniform DCF Chain Vest DD0 Wolf Belt DD1 Protector DD2 Beast Uniform DD3 Lyshee Vest DD4 Battelsuit DD5 Amber Uniform DD6 Red Uniform DD7 Blue Uniform DD8 Genjuu Belt DD9 Majuu Belt DDA Scale Uniform DDB Byakko Uniform DDC Genbu Uniform DDD Seiryuu Uniform DDE Suzaku Uniform
Hawkeye DDF Cotton Kilt DE0 Black Fatigue DE1 Camouflage Cloak DE2 Thief's Cape DE3 Soft Leather DE4 Idaten Cloak DE5 Chain Guard DE6 Moonbeam Cloak DE7 Elf Breastplate DE8 Fleetwind Cape DE9 Flourite Plate DEA Utsushimi Cape DEB Darksuit DEC Yafuku Curiass DED Ninja Garb DEE Shijima Mail DEF Phantom Curiass DF0 Silverwolf Pelt DF1 Wind Demon Mail DF2 Black Garb
Angela DF3 Cotten Robe DF4 Silk Robe DF5 Witch's Robe DF6 Queen Bee Dress DF7 Bat Coat DF8 Tiger Bikini DF9 Rose Leotard DFA Bunnydress DFB Owl Coat DFC Zephyr Robe DFD Mananan Robe DFE Sunrise Dress DFF Dusk Dress E00 Pure White Robe E01 Darkness Robe E02 Dreamdevil Coat E03 Myein Dress E04 Eremos Coat E05 Rune Coat E06 Ancient Robe
Charlotte E07 Chibikko Robe E08 Lamb Suit E09 Priest's Robe E0A Popoi's Rags E0B Sailor Dress E0C Poto Suit E0D Velvet Cape E0E Moogle Smock E0F Pakkun Suit E10 Glint Robe E11 Utsufushi Robe E12 Golden Robe E13 Silver Robe E14 Minister's Robe E15 Shrine Girl Robe E16 Kurikara Robe E17 Bishop's Robe E18 Sage's Robe E19 Undead Suit E1A Bitium Dress
Reisz E1B Padded Leather E1C Cuir Boulli E1D Feather Vest E1E Spiked Leather E1F Chain Mail E20 Banded Mail E21 Scale Mail E22 Mani Plate E23 Steda Plate E24 WhiteEagle Plate E25 Jotzdammoran E26 Valkyrie Mail E27 Rune Armor E28 Wing Armor E29 Fang Armor E2A Phantsam Armor E2B Goddes Armor E2C Polaris Armor E2D DrgnKnight Armor E2E Wulfhezein
E2F WaterDragon Shield E30 Red-Heat Shield E31 Thunder God Shield E32 Earth Shield E33 Gold Shield E34 Dragon Shield E35 Sacred Shield E36 Oath ShieldSubmitted by Chrome Dragon |
Item hack |
| 7E2EE9**
Seeds 19 Item Seed 1A Mysterious Seed 1B Flying Item Seed 1C Magic Seed 1D ??? Seed 1E Weapon/Armor Seed
Statues 20 Gnome Statue =Earthquake 26 Jinn Statue =Thunderbolt 32 Salamando Statue =Exploder 38 Shade Statue =Dark Force 2C Undine Statue =Mega Splash 44 Luna Statue =Half Vanish 3E Wisp Statue =Saint Beam 4B Dryad Statue =Transhape
Scales 2E Sahagins Scale =Mind Up 22 Bulettes Scale =Protect Up 34 Drakes Scale =Power Up 28 Birds Scale =Speed Up
Fangs 21 Basilisks Fang =Stone Cloud 27 Harpys Fang =Stun Wind 33 Fire Lizards Fang =Blaze Wall 2D White Dragon Fang =Cold Blaze
Oils 3F Poto Oil =Heal Light 41 Mama Poto Oil =Tinkle Rain 4C Grell Oil =Aura Wave 4D Matango Oil =Counter Magic 40 Pakkun Oil =Magic Shield 46 Porobin Oil =Life Booster 47 Wolf Devil Oil =Energy Ball
Claws 24 Molebears Claw =Diamond Saber 30 Poseidons Claw =Ice Saber 36 Kerberos Claw =Flame Saber 42 Papa Potos Claw =Light Saber 48 Carmillas Claw =Moon Saber 2A Sirens Claw =Thunder Saber 3C Demons Claw =Dark Saber 4E Crawlers Claw =Leaf Saber
Eyes 3A Specters Eye =Anti Magic 2F Slimes Eye =Power Down 3B Shadow Zeros Eye =Black Curse 4A Assassin Bugs Eye =Posion Bubble 23 Needlions Eye =Speed Down 29 Bees Eye =Protect Down 35 Battums Eye =Mind Down 39 Ghosts Eye =Death Spell 45 Chibi Devils Eye =Body Change 49 Myconids Eye =Sleep Flower
Wepons 50 Shuriken 51 Dart 52 Pumpkin Bomb 4F Hand Axe
Healing & Special 53 Round Drop 54 Pakkun Choclate 56 Honey Drink 55 Magic Walnut 59 Angles Grail 57 Puipui Grass 58 Stardust Herb 60 Dreamsea Herb 5A Magical Rope 5B Gun Powder 5C Chibikko Hammer 5D Moogle Badge 5E Pihyara Flute 5F Wind Drum
Coins 25 Storm Coin =Air Blast 31 Flame Coin =Fire Ball 37 Darkness Coin =Evil Gate 43 Moon Coin =Lunatic 1F Earth Coin =Diamond missile 2B Ice Coin =Ice Smash 3D Light Coin =Holy Ball
Class Change items
Duran 01 Paladins Proof =Saint Saber/Paladin 02 Lords Proof =Heal Light/Lord 03 Masters Proof =Diamond Saber/Sword Master 04 Duelists Proof =Dark Saber/Duelist Kevin 05 Gold Wolf Soul =Aura Wave/God Hand 06 Silver Wolf Soul =Power Up/Warrior Monk 07 Death Wolf Soul =Energy Ball/Death Hand 08 Demon Wolf Soul =Moon Saber/Dervish Hawkeye 09 Good Luck Die =Life Booster/Wanderer 0A Bad Luck Die =Land Mine/Rouge 0B Bullseye Die =Fire Jutsu/Ninja Master 0C Nighteye Die =Thunder Jutsu/Nightblade Angela 0D Arcane Book =Saint Beam/Grand Divina 0E Book of Secrets =Exploder/ArchMage 0F Book of Rune =Death Spell/Rune Master 10 Forbidden Book =Dark Force/Magus Charlotte 11 Holy Water Vial =Heal Light/Bishop 12 Bottel of Salt =Tinkel Rain/Sage 13 Bottel of Ashes =Black Curse/Necromancer 14 Bottel of Blood =Anti Magic/Evil Shamen Reize 15 Briesingamen =Power Up/Vanadis 16 Morning Star Chain =Speed Up/Star Lancer 17 Knight Dragon Chain =Protect Down/Dragon Master 18 Gleipnir =Mind Down/Fenrir KnightSubmitted by Chrome Dragon |
Magic hack |
| 7FF1A5** 7FF4A5** 7FEEA5**
Undine 12 Ice Saber 0D Ice Smash 0E Mega Splash 0F Cold Blaze 10 Mind Up 11 Power Down
Salamando 18 Flame Saber 13 Fireball 14 Explode 15 Blaze Wall 16 Power Up 17 Mind Down
Gnome 06 Diamond Saber 01 Diamond Missile 02 Earthquake 03 Stone Cloud 04 Protect Up 05 Speed Down
Sylphid 0C Thunder Saber 07 Air Blast 08 Thunderstorm 09 Stun Wind 0A Speed Up 0B Protect Down
Shade 1E Dark Saber 19 Evil Gate 1A Dark Force 1D Black Cruse 1C Anti Magic 1B Death Spell
Lumina 24 Saint Saber 21 Heal Light 23 Tinkle Rain 24 Magic Shield 1F Holy Ball 20 Saint Beam
Luna 2A Moon Saber 25 Lunatic 26 Half Vanish 29 Energy Ball 28 Life Booster 27 Body Change
Dryad 30 Leaf Saber 2C Poison Bubble 2D Trans Shape 2F Counter Magic 2E Aura Wave 2B Sleep Flower
Summon 38 Freya 39 Marduke 3A Iormungand 3B Lamian Naga 40 Gremlin 41 Great Demon 3C Unicorn Head 3D Machine Golom 3E Ghoul 3F Ghost
Special Spells 4E Double Spell 34 Rainbow Dust 35 Ancient 32 Turn Undead 33 Demon Breath 93 Black Rain 4F Pressure Point
Jutsu&Trap 42 Earth Jutsu 43 Thunder Jutsu 44 Water Jutsu 45 Fire Jutsu 4A Poison Breath 4B Flame Breath 4C Blow Needles 7C Dart 7B Shuriken 46 Arrow 7A Hand Axe 47 Spike 4D Deadly Weapon 7D Pumpkin Bomb 48 Rock Fall 49 Land Mine 80 Crescent 81 Rocket Launcher 82 Axe Bomber 7E Silver Dart 7F Cutter Missile 83 Grenade Bomb
Techs Duran 50 3-Step Cut 51 Whirlwind Sword 52 Flashing Sword 53 Magic Circle 54 Vacuum Sword 55 Eruption Sword Hawkeye 62 Flying Swallow Toss 63 Silhouette Slice 64 Dance of Roses 65 Thousand Slice 66 Shadow Dive 67 Split-Image Slice Angela 68 Pink Typhoon 69 Star Attack 6A Spiral Rod 6B Dancing Rod 6C 10 Ton 6D Hot Shot Charlotte 6E Jump 6F Dash 70 ChopChop 71 BoomBoom 72 Craaaazy 73 HugeHuge Reize 74 Vacuum Surge Spear 75 Flying Heaven Spear 76 Light Shot Spear 77 Falling Star 78 Dragon Tooth Spear 79 Hundred Flower Dance Kevin 56 Whirlwind Kick 5A Byakko Shockwave 57 Tornado Throw 5B Stardust Bomb 56 Water-Moon Slice 5C Genbu 100-Kick 59 Bastard Slam 5D Blow Impact 60 Seiryuu Death Fist 5E Suzaku Sky Dance 61 Dead Crush 5F Veritubach
Boss 90 Sky Attack 91 Supersonic 92 Feather Blizzard 95 Ghost Road 8A Eye Beam 8B Dive Attack 8C Bubble Breath 9B Hypercannon 9C Hell Cross 9D Darkness Beam A6 Spined Kelp A7 Prisoner A8 Geyseblast B7 Graviton Press B8 Howl B9 Spiral Moon D4 Meltwave D5 Spiral Moon D6 Turn Wind D9 Thunderball AA Trap Level 1 AB Trap Level 2 AD Icicle AE Ice Cradle BA Grenade Bomb BB Killstinger BC Lava Wave BD Heat Beam BE Gigaburn BF Death Ecstasy CC Catastrophe CD Demon Scream CE Air Slasher CF Flare 97 Squid Ink 98 Tidal Wave 8E Grand Slam D8 Psychowave A0 Stone
Enemy 84 Dark Fear 85 Surprise Box Bomb 86 Death Roulette 87 Thunderbolt 88 Rust Hurricane 89 Sweet String 94 Gas Cloud 96 100 Tentacles 99 Revenge Spike 8F Power Punch 9A Sandstream DA Whirlwind B6 Regeneration A9 Bomb AC Bloody Axe
Chest Traps 9E Arrow 9F Spike A1 Bomb A2 Smoke A3 Mr.Death God A4 Ogre Box A5 Kaiser MimicSubmitted by Chrome Dragon |
This cheat isn't that useful but it is fun. It will allow you to listen to all the game's music. |
| Hold the L & R buttons while pressing reset. Submitted by Whizz |
| 7FEDFE:FF |  | 264,000,000 Experience Player 1 You'll gain a Level every time you kill an enemy until you reach Level 99Submitted by les1two |
| 7FF0FE:FF |  | 264,000,000 Experience Player 2 You'll gain a Level every time you kill an enemy until you reach Level 99Submitted by les1two |
| 7FF3FE:FF |  | 264,000,000 Experience Player 3 You'll gain a Level every time you kill an enemy until you reach Level 99Submitted by les1two |
| 7E2E55:63 |  | 99 ??? seeds in storage Submitted by Vexirk |
| 7E2E51:63 |  | 99 item seeds in storage Submitted by Vexirk |
| 7E2E54:63 |  | 99 magic seeds in storage Submitted by Vexirk |
| 7E2E52:63 |  | 99 mysterious seeds in storage Submitted by Vexirk |
| 7E2E56:63 |  | 99 weapon/armor seeds in storage Submitted by Vexirk |
| 7FEDFC:04 7FEEED:04 |  | Always have special attacks first spot Submitted by Vexirk |
| 7FEDF7:20 |  | Changes MAIN Character's Agility to 32 Submitted by Kylite |
| 7FEDF9:20 |  | Changes MAIN Character's Intelligence to 32 Submitted by Kylite |
| 7FEDFB:20 |  | Changes MAIN Character's Luck to 32 Submitted by Kylite |
| 7FEDFA:20 |  | Changes MAIN Character's Spirit to 32 Submitted by Kylite |
| 7FEDF6:20 |  | Changes MAIN Character's Strength to 32 Submitted by Kylite |
| 7FEDF8:20 |  | Changes MAIN Character's Vitality to 32 Submitted by Kylite |
| 7FEDF2:3F |  | Debug room Submitted by Chrome Dragon |
| 7FEEA5:E8 |  | Flammie Spell - This code will replace your Main Characters the 1st slot in your Magic Spell ring. The icon is a yellow pointing hand named SBD. This is the same as the wind drum except you can use it anytime and anywhere(including indoors). Submitted by les1two |
| 7FF4CF:FF |  | Have All Elementals Submitted by Chrome Dragon |
| 7FF4CF:FF |  | Have all the Elementals. Submitted by Chrome Dragon |
| 7FF0F4:63 |  | Inf. Mana Main character Submitted by Vexirk |
| 7FF3F4:63 |  | inf. mana second character Submitted by Vexirk |
| 7FEDF4:63 |  | inf. mana third character Submitted by Vexirk |
| 7E2EF3:09 7E2EF4:09 7E2EF5:09 7E2EF6:09 7E2EF7:09 7E2EF8:09 7E2EF9:09 7E2EFA:09 7E2EFB:09 7E2EFC:09 |  | Infinite all items in circle inventory Submitted by les1two |
| 7E2E59:63 |  | Infinite Basilisk's Fangs in storage. Submitted by les1two |
| 7E2E5A:63 |  | Infinite Bulette's Scales in storage. Submitted by les1two |
| 7E2EF3:FF |  | Infinite Candy Submitted by Vault13 |
| 7E2E57:63 |  | Infinite Earth Coins in storage. Submitted by les1two |
| 7E2E53:63 |  | Infinite Flying Item Seeds in storage. Submitted by les1two |
| 7E2E58:63 |  | Infinite Gnome Statues in storage. Submitted by les1two |
| 7FF0F2:E7 7FF0F3:03 |  | Infinite health player 1 Submitted by Vexirk |
| 7FEDF2:E7 7FEDF3:03 |  | Infinite health player 2 Submitted by Vexirk |
| 7FF3F2:E7 7FF3F3:03 |  | Infinite health player 3 Submitted by Vexirk |
| 7E2E5E:63 |  | Infinite Jinn Statues in storage. Submitted by les1two |
| 7E2E5C:63 |  | Infinite Molebear's Claws in storage. Submitted by les1two |
| 7E2E5B:63 |  | Infinite Needlion's Eyes in storage. Submitted by les1two |
| 7E2E5D:63 |  | Infinite Storm Coins in storage. Submitted by les1two |
| 7FF100:FF |  | Level after every battle (1st character) Submitted by Apocrotese |
| 7E2C26:FF |  | Lots of money Submitted by SUPERseb44 |
| 7E2C26:FF |  | Mega money booster Submitted by Chrome Dragon |
| 7E2C24:FF 7E2C25:FF |  | Money galore! Submitted by Kylite |
| 7FF3F6:FF |  | Puts 2nd player's strength up to 255 Submitted by Frisker |
| 7FF6F6:FF |  | Puts 3rd player's strength up to 255 Submitted by Frisker |
| 7E2E91:63 |  | Start with ANGEL CUP Submitted by Eikonogen |
| 7E2E8B:63 |  | Start with CANDY Submitted by Eikonogen |
| 7E2E8C:63 |  | Start with CHOCOLATE Submitted by Eikonogen |
| 7E2E89:63 |  | Start with DARTS Submitted by Eikonogen |
| 7E2E98:63 |  | Start with DREAM HERB Submitted by Eikonogen |
| 7E2E97:63 |  | Start with DRUM Submitted by Eikonogen |
| 7E2E96:63 |  | Start with FLUTE Submitted by Eikonogen |
| 7E2E94:63 |  | Start with HAMMER Submitted by Eikonogen |
| 7E2E8E:63 |  | Start with HONEY Submitted by Eikonogen |
| 7E2E9D:63 |  | Start with LOOKING GLASS ( Charlotte and Kevin Quest ) Submitted by Eikonogen |
| 7E2E95:63 |  | Start with MOGLI BADGE Submitted by Eikonogen |
| 7E2E93:63 |  | Start with NITRO Submitted by Eikonogen |
| 7E2E8F:63 |  | Start with PUIPUI HERB Submitted by Eikonogen |
| 7E2E8A:63 |  | Start with PUMPKIN BOMB Submitted by Eikonogen |
| 7E2E92:63 |  | Start with ROPE Submitted by Eikonogen |
| 7E2E88:63 |  | Start with SHURIKEN Submitted by Eikonogen |
| 7E2E90:63 |  | Start with STAR HERB Submitted by Eikonogen |
| 7E2E8D:63 |  | Start with WALNUT Submitted by Eikonogen |
| C11AB7:60 |  | Walk through walls Submitted by Chrome Dragon |