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Re: illegalView parent
POSTED BY: aadon2002-07-06 11:56 UTC
actually all roms are illegal unless you own the game cart. But you may legally download roms for 24hours before you have to delete it. If it is a private hack of a rom, it is NOT legal. I've asked many people abouut itand most said it is.Reply

Re: illegal
POSTED BY: aadon2002-07-06 11:57 UTC
but there are Public roms which are roms created by people that don't have copyrights on themReply

Re: illegal
POSTED BY: Whizzy2002-07-06 21:33 UTC
Hi, sorry, thanks for playing. The 24 hour thing is wrong. If you didn't get it legally you can't have it at all, it doesn't matter for how long. The 24 hour thing was just made up by someone to see how many morons would fall for it.Reply

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