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I am in desperate need of help with Secret of Mana
POSTED BY: badrubberpiggy772003-06-13 11:00 UTC
Okay, well, in Secret of Mana, I'm at the part where I have to beat Spiky Tiger [yeah, I know, I'm not that far into the game] but every time I try to beat him he just wipes me. I am finding him super hard and I really need some sort of cheat code to give me the ability to beat him like an invincibility cheat code or something. I know there are cheat codes on this site but the problem is that I can only enter in cheat codes with a number value [not a value containing letters][The emulator I use is Snes9X v1.39]. I either need help to fix my value problem, or need some new cheat codes... any help will be much appreciated... PLEASE HELP.Reply

Re: I am in desperate need of help with Secret of Mana
POSTED BY: teppie2003-06-13 23:13 UTC
go to they have what your looking for tips and tricks and gamegenie codes and PAR codes for super nintendo (SECERT OF MANA)I'm helping you out by telling you were you can go see If you can do me A favor by asking for your help or maybe one of your friends for help with A super nintendo game called (ARKNOID DOH IT AGAIN)gamegenie codes I would like (Infinite lives)and (Infinite engery)Reply

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