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Need an NES or SNES cheat?
POSTED BY: UGuardian2003-07-09 17:14 UTC
I'm a pretty fast hacker when it comes to NES or SNES games. If there's a code you'd like, let me know. SNES cheats are easier because my hacking tools display the results as Pro Action Replay codes. Until I find a way to convert the address and value into a useable code, I can't post any of the NES cheats I find. See the topic labeled "Slight hurdle creating cheat codes" for more on that problem. A note about codes: Numbers are the easiest to mess with. Thus, Infinite Lives, Energy, Health etc. are the ones to ask for. I can work wonders on RPGs -- just wait until I upload my cache of Final Fantasy Mystic Quest codes! Everything from Infinite HP to Infinite Magic!Reply

Re: Need an NES or SNES cheat?
POSTED BY: UGuardian2003-07-09 17:17 UTC
I just thought of this. The easiest way to ask me for cheats would be to email me at PWard3@Neo.RR.Com . Just be sure to say something like "I need a cheat" in the subject heading.
Also, if you give me your email address, I can zip the codes to you once I have them.

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