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Re: how do you get the game genie for snes to work?View parent
POSTED BY: UGuardian2003-07-11 15:31 UTC
I recieved my SNES Game Genie as a present. It was brand new at the time. Now, its 200-odd page manual is in roughly that many pieces. After searching the scrambled heap I found the Troubleshooting section.

One of the listed problems was "Game does not appear after pressing start in code screen". Solution 1: Game is incompatible. I've yet to see this. I've used it on DKC and MegaMan X, for example. The other Solution is more likely: Dirt.

Second-hand games are often really dirty. Use a few cotton swabs and Isopropyl Alcohol to clean the connections on both the game and the game genie. To clean the connection where the game goes, use part of an older SNES cleaning kit.

An amusing note on the cleaning kits: Most of the NES games and some of the SNES games say "Do not clean with Benzene, Thinner, Alcohol or other such solvents". So what was the magical cleaning fluid in Nintendo's cleaning kits? Isopropyl Alcohol. Also, cotton swabs and the Alcohol do a better job of cleaning the games than the cleaning kits ever did.

Finally, I have seen the problem you mentioned: With my second-hand copy (purchased from Blockbuster) of Super Street Fighter 2 the screen would go black. After a dose of cotton the problem vanished.

Re: how do you get the game genie for snes to work?
POSTED BY: archimonde2003-07-11 19:37 UTC
I will soon be getting a newer version of the game genie but the alcohol and cotton swabs didn't work.Reply
Re: how do you get the game genie for snes to work?

Re: how do you get the game genie for snes to work?
POSTED BY: X9772003-07-23 08:58 UTC
There's no master code for DKC3 yet.
There was a master code for DKC2 that let you bypass the "game copying" warning. But there`s no way to bypass that screen yet.
All the SNES Rareware games needed a master code except DKC.
Re: how do you get the game genie for snes to work?

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