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Re: Mega Man X code fixView parent
POSTED BY: djoverlay2003-11-29 01:08 UTC
what are the code manipulations that wahzu wants anyway?Reply

Re: Mega Man X code fix
POSTED BY: Chrome Dragon2003-11-29 07:59 UTC
He wanted a code that puts General Leo and Kefka in your party. General Leo I could understand, because you get to play as him about mid game, but Kefka never joins you. I looked specifically for 2 codes, one that manipulates who is currently in your party, and one that changes the characters you have to choose from. I had no luck with the first, and with the second I found a few codes, but not what whazu was looking for. Check out “FF6 special code” for more info, maybe you can help him.Reply
Re: Mega Man X code fix

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