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Re: NES FCEU/Nesten codesView parent
POSTED BY: robyman2006-03-11 03:03 UTC
Here's a game Genie code for NES Batman, which for some reason the site won't let me post in the "submit" forum. However, I've used it for years on both a real GG/NES and Nesten & FCEU emus:


Super jump, partially controllable while Batman is aloft

Re: NES FCEU/Nesten codes
POSTED BY: CheatZILLA Support2006-03-11 03:09 UTC
Yah, when you offered to submit emulator type codes I figured I'd better go fix the NES section so that the Game Genie codes can be converted. Unfortunately the NES Game Genie codes are funky and also have the crazy 8 character ones which do a comparison. It looks like I'm going to have to rewrite the code conversion engine.Reply

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