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Re: Wow what's the deal with the new site?View parent
POSTED BY: CheatZILLA Support2006-03-05 17:48 UTC
I added it manually. I added some new tools to make it easier (I can click a button and the message becomes a cheat) but I still have to edit it and type in stuff.

I'm not sure where to put a link to the current cheat requests. Not that it matters, not a single person has tried it out. I think maybe requiring people to login first may be scaring them off. Not quite sure what to about it. I was planning to convert "Request a cheat" to "Cheat requests" and in addition to requesting cheats it would list all their requests that have been filled and all their requests that are pending.

For the moment I've re-enabled the function that mail bombs me when no results are found.

Re: Wow what's the deal with the new site?
POSTED BY: Chrome Dragon2006-03-06 20:45 UTC
Maybe under Request a cheat there could be a requested cheats page?Reply
Re: Wow what's the deal with the new site?

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