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cheats for excitebike
POSTED BY: Shia2004-06-12 19:09 UTC
Hi I was wondering if any one could send me or post up some cheats for the new but old GBA game excitebike, if you could find some that would be great because I am haveing a little trouble finding some.


Re: cheats for excitebike
POSTED BY: archimonde2004-06-27 22:44 UTC
Light Speed
Go into the option that lets you build your own track. start out by placing an "M" from the list of obsticles. An "M" looks like a little arrow and it cools the bike down. now skip about 2 spaces and place another "M" keep doing that until you have about 10 in a row. Right at the end of the string of "M"s place an "H" jump. An "H" jump is the steepest one. Now just repeat the process until you fill up the whole track with a space of "M"s and then an "H". You should end up with about 6 or 7 "H"s and a whole lot of "M"s. Now test the track by yourself. Hold down the "B" button and DON'T EVER LET GO! Also hold right on the control pad. Keep holding right until you have gone over the first "H" jump and keep holding right until 1 milisecond before you hit the ground. As soon as you are about to hit the ground, tap left and then go back to forward. Your bike should bounce on the front wheel but not crash. Do the same thing off the next jump and the next and the next. If you do it right the sound of your bike will stall out and you will go faster, and faster, and faster! Eventualy you will jump so high that you will go right through the top of the screen and come up on the bottom again. When you go through the screen make sure you hold back a little so you don't crash.

got it from some cheat website. I'll post more, let me find them
Re: cheats for excitebike

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