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Re: code expert offering help with any snes action replay cheatsView parent
POSTED BY: darien dark2008-01-06 04:44 UTC
ok, I just tried brandish 2, and I quite frankly don't get it, moving sideways seems to teleport you from room to room and you cant face the back, not to mention touch a wall stops you from even moving your feet which means it works with a full sprite stop function. what really sucks is that there isn't enough room to test the walking code at all. I'll keep at it and see what I can do. until then I hope you'll enjoy the cheats for secret of mana and tales of phantasia. ps a cam mod isn't weird, its just usually self made since you usually have to build a joker code for it.designed for a specific emulator.Reply

Re: code expert offering help with any snes action replay cheats
POSTED BY: darien dark2008-01-06 05:32 UTC
alright after playing it a bit more, I still think the game play sucks but I've figured out what that whole room changing thing was, sadly this game has over a hundred dummy command related to walking, I just can't find the values that actually affects your movement. oh and chrome dragon, I'd like to have a talk with you, contact me on either
yahoo: or
Re: code expert offering help with any snes action replay cheats

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