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Displaying cheats for Windows Hard Truck II

Hard Truck 2
Cheat mode:
Pause game play and type one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.
Effect Code
Master code: hardtruckisthebest
Money and license: wininalottery
Unlock all roads: openallroads
Disable mines: minesoff
Display hidden containers on map: advancedmap
Press [Backspace] for free repair: freerepair
Press [Ctrl] + 5 for free recovery: freerecover
Press [Ctrl] + 1, 2, 3, or 4 for more thrust: turbine
Unlimited gas: fillup


Custom music:
Note: This procedure involves changing a game files; create a backup copy of the files before proceeding. Enter the game folder and look for the "music" folder. You can replace the MP3 files in that folder with your own MP3 files.
Submitted by R.W.PerkinsJr


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