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Displaying cheats for Playstation 2 Gran Turismo 3

Easy Horse Power Boost!
When you get a new car give it a oil change to increase the power. Some cars dont get that much but I had one go up 56 horse power.
Submitted by Cloud_69_69
Fastest Car!
To get the fastest car in the game(Suzuki Escudo Pikes Peak
Version)you either buy it for $1,000,000 , win all golds in Rally, or win the Polyphony Digital Cup. The Pikes Peak version starts out with over 900 hp and ends up with a little over 1800 after you are done tuning has bad steering and acceleration but I got it at a top speed of 292.1 mph.
Submitted by Cloud_69_69
One Of The Best Cars!
To get one of the best cars in the game called the F090s you have to get the endurance IA license and a fast car to race the 100 lap "Super Speedway". It takes about an hour or so.The F090s might not have a good top speed or not as much horse power as you like but it kills in turning and in acceleration and will win lots of races.
Submitted by Cloud_69_69


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