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Displaying cheats for Dreamcast Sonic Adventure

Black Chaos Egg
Select Amy Rose, E - 102 "Y", or Big the Cat (100% Completed) go the Egg Carrier (Adventure Field) go the area where Amy was held Prisoner, open the Second Cell pick up the Black Egg and head straight for the Chaos Garden (Egg Carrier)
Submitted by SonicAdventureFan
Enable Super Sonic
Go through all of the 6 Character's Story and You'll unlock Super Sonic
Submitted by SonicAdventureFan
Gold Chaos Egg
Go to the area where Sonic fought Chaos 0, now go left then start looking for the Gray Stone. When you find it go to the Antic Shop exchange it for a Gold Egg. To do this set down the Gray Stone inside of the Shop, then pick up the Gold Egg and then set down some place else, next pick up the Gray Stone and set it down on the platform. Now just pick up the Gold Egg and head straight to the Chaos Garden (Station Square).
Submitted by SonicAdventureFan
Hidden Artwork
Insert the GD - ROM into your CD - ROM Drive on your PC.
Submitted by SonicAdventureFan
Silver Chaos Egg
In the Mystic Ruin (Adventure Field) go to the area where the Waterfall is. Next push on the platform, a Silver Egg should fall in the water. Wait until the Silver Egg drafts onto the shore. Pick up the Silver Egg and head straight for the Chao Garden (Mystic Ruin).
Submitted by SonicAdventureFan
Station Square Glitch
Ok.This is a bit confusing,but it does work.This code(actually is a glitch though)is used to get to the Casino level at the very beginning of the game.WARNING!You won't be able to get out of that area once you get there!
1.Go to the train in Station Square as Tails.
2.Stand in front of the train in the right hand corner of the station.
3.Keep jumping while holding the analog stick forward.
4.Eventually,Tails will go through the ceiling!
5.Immediately start flying the way you came before you go back down into the station.
6.You will finally arrive at the Casino entrance.
7.Have fun trying to get out!
Submitted by Brandon Murray
Unlocking Sand Hill to Sonic in Adventure Mode
Do a Spin Dash up the gressy green sloop and keep trying until you reach the lodge. Now jump on the switch and enter Sand Hill and clear the Mini Game to save changes to VMU or Perfomace Memory Card.
Submitted by SonicAdventureFan
Game Genie codes
Enable Miles "Tails" Prower & Knuckles the Echidna
Submitted by SonicAdventureFan
Game Shark codes
255 Emblems (Warning: This is not a permanent effect)
Submitted by SonicAdventureFan
901 rings (Get's rid of that annoying Life up music sound that you hear every time you pick up a ring with the 999 Rings code)
Submitted by promer22
999 Rings (Warning: Everytime you get a ring, the Extra Life Theme will play and may get annoying)
Submitted by SonicAdventureFan
Enable Amy Rose & E - 102 Gamma
Submitted by SonicAdventureFan
Enable Big the Cat & Super Sonic
Submitted by SonicAdventureFan
Enable Miles "Tails" Prower & Knuckles the Echidna
Submitted by SonicAdventureFan
Infinite Lives
Submitted by SonicAdventureFan
Super Low Time (Warning: You may have problams with E - 102 "Y")
Submitted by SonicAdventureFan


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